Hi, my name is Ben. I started this blog because I feel like there is a void in American politics and in the political discussion. The only thing that could possibly fill that void is Common Sense. A basic understanding of how a market works, or the realization that many things we take for granted are just plain wrong.
I hope to blog just about every day, but I want to establish my position right now. I am a very simple man, and I believe that the simplest way is the best way. I believe in small government with core values like responsible spending. When I say that I believe in small government and responsible spending, I'm not saying it and then acting like the majority of professed Republicans who say and do completely different things. I believe that a government should act only to protect the life, liberty, and property of its constituency.
Sometimes I might not sound like a Republican because my stance on social issues is very different from a mainstream Republican's. That is because I don't believe that any sort of social policy is right or necessary. We should not pay somebody to do something we can do perfectly well on our own, such as make personal decisions. That means my social ideology (if there is one) is my own and doesn't reflect any political opinions I may have.
I identify myself as a Republican because my core values and mindset are most represented by the Republican Party, and because I think the Republican Party is in need of some serious changes. Or maybe it's time to get rid of the changes. Conservative should not be synonymous with evangelical. I believe the mindset of the current Republican leadership is at odds with small government, personal freedoms, and responsible fiscal policy. I'd like to change that, and I think almost everybody else would, too.
That's my introduction. I will be back with more.
Check out my friend Brian's blog at http://neo-right.blogspot.com/ We aren't exactly alike, but I think we share a core belief about simple, common sense conservatism.
Let's take a look at some polls, shall we?
15 years ago
Awesome start so far.